Showing posts with label make memories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label make memories. Show all posts

before we left...

Today, I wanted to use a film that I hardly ever use and take it in a place that is not my norm. The film was expired Polaroid Type 59, the camera/lens was my Toyo-View G 4x5 / Fujinon 210mm f/5.6 and the location was in my office using cloudy window light. Because of the scarce lighting, I used a shutter speed of 1/2 second and hoped for the best. Sherri is becoming more accustomed to me surprising her with another hairbrained idea for a picture. I have taken so many pictures of her lately with all of my different cameras and film, she is probably becoming numb to it. This picture was a spur-of-the-moment photo request when we were on our way out the door. I had the camera set up in my office with a film holder loaded for the occasion.

Not for sure why this particular box of film has the orange band across the middle, but it has been there on every shot. If the exposure is dark, it seems to show up even more. Even with the orange band, I can't wait for more pictures with this film. Glad I still have almost 3 boxes of 20 left...  

out of place...

This is a house from Childress that was in the neighborhood where I grew up.  It was right across the street from a city lake where I spent many of my days. It is one of the more unique houses in the town/neighborhood. As much as it belongs in the landscape of West Texas, it is totally out of place where it is built. I think that is why I like it so much. As an added bonus, there is an Airstream in the yard...

little indian...

Trying to be more intentional on capturing closeup images of the family as we all age together. Pyper had a pre-school thanksgiving program where she had pilgrim and indian costumes. After the program, she still wanted to wear the indian costume so I felt it was a good opportunity to capture this image. This whole program brought back memories of Maci at nearly the same age. It is crazy how Pyper's looks and mannerisms mimic Maci so closely...

two happy people...

Definitely appreciate Tyler for catching this moment of me and Allister. There couldn't be two happier people than what you are looking at right here. Amazing that Tyler caught this with a manual focus rangefinder instant camera (Polaroid 600SE). A bit posed, but yet so random and natural...


The main reason I buy cameras/film is to create tangible memories of the ones closest to me. I absolutely love that Sherri and I have so many memories of the 24 years that we have been married and I look forward to every year (and memory) that is ahead of us. Took this photo when we got home from a day spent together eating brunch and searching for unique things for our house...

another halloween in the record books...

Decided on headshots for my instant Halloween memories. Getting in closer provides fewer details on what they were wearing, but it shows more about their emotions from the day and who they really are. In this case, closer is always better...

aunt jePyper...

Sometimes you have to just be ready to take the picture. This is why I always have a camera with me. Met up with the Tyndells to eat dinner and immediately had Pyper step outside with me to take this one. Just the right light and just the right subject...

the allure...

An older photo from one of my trips this past Spring to San Diego.  Not for sure what it is about this photo that appeals to me, but I just keep going back to it. Probably has something to do with the allure of the ocean. My hope is to be able to go back someday...

a familiar side of Sherri...

When we travel around in the car together, I usually drive and Sherri is in the passenger seat. Since I always seem to have a camera with me in the car, I often take photos of her. I can tell you that she doesn't like this tactic. But sometimes they turn out to be one of my favorites...

out of place...

Another shot from this past summer during the fourth of july parade. With no context and taking the picture at face value, this vaquero seems a bit out of place just marching along with people and cars in the background.  I really like this shot, especially the fact that he is waving my way...

the stare...

We were eating lunch and I noticed the light on Allister's face. It looked like the perfect light for testing out my newly converted SX70 camera with 600 film. Turns out, I was mostly correct.  The lighting on her face was spot on.  Unfortunately, the fluorescent lights in the background turned out a bit green. Lighting aside, I love it when I am able to catch her staring at the camera...

smiling makes you cooler...

Took two shots to catch Allister smiling for the camera, but this one seemed to work. Catching her (because she is always moving) with a manual focus instant camera is sometimes luck at best. We were down in Stephenville yesterday visiting Sadi and I was outside of a boutique keeping Allister occupied. I love her emotions that are developing. Of course, smiling is the best indication of her happiness when she is this age. She seems very happy (and therfore very cool) here...

from above...

Took this one tonight as the sun was setting. This is exactly why I had my Holden SX70 converted to a 600 camera by @2ndshotsx70service . It makes the camera so much more useable and versatile. As you can see, the exposure is perfect! The beauty of an "instant" print in your hand is beyond compare...

no lifeguard on duty...

More from my trip to Oceanside Pier. It always amazes me how the simplest of scenes can make such a unique instant image. Many of these images will end up in frames on my walls...

all together...

We have our separate lives, but every so often we all meet in one place. Such a good time getting together. Took some digital images, but it's always more rewarding to capture these times on instant and 35mm film. Took this one with my Polaroid 180 camera and snagged some others with my Leica (to share later)...

my catalyst for change...

Been such a long time since I have posted anything to any of my blogs. I still continually shoot all formats of film (instant pack film, instant integral film, instant large format, 35mm and 120mm) on almost a daily basis, but I have hardly posted anything but digital on Instagram lately. As I write this, I know that I will be leaving on another business trip tomorrow and the easiest film camera to take with me will be my Leica M6. I have taken some amazing shots with this camera (will know for sure when I finally decide to get my 5-6 rolls developed), but it is far from the convenience of instant film. As I get make time over the next few weeks, I hope will be posting more of my instant film. Let this photo tonight be my catalyst for change...

soft light...

A shot of Sadi from yesterday in the City Place Starbucks in the West Village. Exposed using available light through the windows. The soft light increases the likelihood of a properly exposed shot on Impossible black and white film...

a little too close...

Pyper was sick tonight. Running a fever of 102 degrees. After the Tylenol took effect, she was all smiles. I captured this one on my Spectra camera with the closeup lens. I am not sure that I should be getting this close to a sick kid...

more for the album(s)...

So happy to be able to use my instant film to take portraits/snapshots of family. My album(s) are filling up more and more every month. So many photos that I have to order more albums. Such a great problem to have...

Sadi came home for a few days and as always, I used the opportunity to take some photos of her. Fuji FP-3000B is always a great choice for any and all occasions.

this light...

During our annual Christmas visit to Childress, we stayed at a local hotel. Pyper and I were going up to the room and out of the corner of my eye I saw this light. Fortunately, I had my SX70 with me and Pyper was good with having her picture taken. The SX70 doesn't always do good with extreme light and extreme shadows, but I definitely like the outcome of this one. Definitely one of my favorites in a long time...