allister and pyper...

It's good to start off the day with two successful instant photos. The colors in this new Impossible film is impressive. Regardless of all of that, I love it when I get to take photos of these girls...

a composite (of) Toby...

Took a few random images of Toby (using Fuji FP-100C & FP-3000B film) in downtown McKinney with the intention of creating a composite from diferent perspectives. Aligning the images yields a full-body composite that might be considered questionably taller and a bit more slender...

justin and the beard...

Met up with Justin today at my house to get to take this 8x10 before he shaves the beard. I would have to say that I am envious of a man that can grow a beard like this. The beard deserved to be captured on 8x10 before it was gone. I took several different instant and 35mm photos, but this one was the one that I was looking for. Thanks Justin for stopping by and spending your lunch with me...

bailey - double take...

Got the opportunity to take a couple of 8x10 portraits of Baily while he was in Texas helping out Tyler with a wedding. Took the photos in Dallas in an area where I couldn't use the processor. I was afraid of a divot ruining one of the photos, so I took two. The first one was taken with the new Impossible film and the second one was taken with an October 2012 batch. Luckily both of them turned out better than I could have ever expected. If I had the choice of only one instant camera, I would trade in all my others to keep my 8x10. I am so hooked on this film...