Brent Cunningham...

So sometimes I immediately know I want to take a photo, but I know it's not the right time. I passed Brent several times while walking around Nashville, but to be honest the lighting was just terrible. It was overcast and he had on a hat. I could just see the photo turning out with a dark shadow where his eyes were suppose to be. Knowing that, he just had something about him that made me want to stop and talk for a bit and ask for a photo. He was a street performer playing the guitar, so I knew that this photo was going to cost me. Even more of a reason to make sure that I got the shot. After stopping to talk with him, I realized that the photo became less important. What a soft-spoken neat guy to be able to talk with. I didn't realize until after I got home, but he has been playing the streets of Nashville for some time. Here is a video from 2008. When I finished talking and asked to take a photo, the sun started peeking through the clouds and he tilted his head back to let the sun in under his hat. I took the photo, said my goodbyes and went on my way. Got about two blocks down and realized that I was so caught up in the conversation and taking the photo that I forgot to even ask him his name. I turned around and went back. He saw me coming and just smiled. I guess he knew what I was about to ask. When I asked his name, he said "after you took the photo, I was wondering why you didn't ask what my name was". After all this, I am so glad I got to meet Brent. This is now one of my all-time favorite street photos...

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