an empty nest...

Amazing how time flies... Only yesterday, we were walking Sadi into her Kindergarten class with Ms Sikes at Bowie Elementary. If only I had realized at the time that the wheels were set in motion for this inevitable day of dropping her off at a college campus and having to return home to an "empty nest". Some days, while raising her, we were able to get past certain phases/attitudes knowing that this day was coming. On other days, as it got closer, I couldn't even let the thought cross my mind without tearing up.

A little over a week ago, we had the task of moving her to another city, unpacking all her stuff, giving her hugs (and one last piece of advice), getting into our car and driving away. Not because we wanted to; because we had to. Without going into too many details, I really felt as if I left a piece of my heart in Stephenville, Tx that day. There is no way to describe it without using the word 'void'. That being said, as the days have passed, the void has began to be filled with anticipation, hope and excitement for her. 

Below are a few photos that were taken with my SX70 camera and one pack of Impossible color protection film. I took a few digital photos with my iPhone and Fuji x100s, but these photos will be my "go to" images for remembering the day... 

the beginning of something new...

What better way to start a new school year as a photography teacher than to have your photo taken (on instant film) on the day before class starts in the classroom where you will be teaching students how to use instant film...

a proud dad...

I have been planning on a color 8x10 of Maci and Sadi all summer. Just hasn't worked out... Until today... Kinda a last minute, but still a bad time, happens to be the one day this summer it rains, I gotta get one before Sadi leaves for college kind of picture. All of the imperfections aside (both in the picture and in our sometime disfunctional lives as a family), I stare at this image and realize that I have lived a truly blessed life and had the honor of helping my incredible wife raise two absolutely beautiful girls.  It is moments like this where I honestly couldn't be more proud to be their dad...

saturday mornings...

As much as I like traveling, I love Saturday mornings at home with my family (and my coffee makers). Pyper stayed with us last night so we went outside right after she got up to play some golf (Pyper calls it baseball) in the back yard. She looks a little rough, but it WAS before 9:00 am on a Saturday...

francisco's diptych

Here is another image that I took of Francisco while in Sacramento. This image included his Bronica. This location had plenty of large windows for shots like this. I scanned the images as a diptych and I plan on using the same images for an emulsion lift on aluminum. Will update this post and add it as soon as I get it done...

francisco chavira...

I lugged my 8x10 camera from Greenville, TX to Sacramento, CA to get this image (and to let Francisco experience shooting an 8x10 view camera). After developing the image today, I was nothing but smiles.  I am over the top with the images that you get from the Impossible color test film. A bit muted, but the light blue background is very close to the actual panel in the shot. I prefer to play it safe when shooting this film and purposely overexpose a 1/2 stop or so. It helps bring out the shadows and overall just makes a image that is exactly how I like it...

the simple moments...

Spent the evening over at Maci and Tyler's house. Ended the night with this photo of Maci painting Sadi's toenails. Capturing the simple moments means the most. Sadi leaves for college in two weeks. As much as I look forward to this new chapter for her, I will surely miss these moments...